Color Guides

Coliscan® Easygel® Guide

Coliscan® MF Guide

Instructions for Food/Diary Testing

Includes pour plate instructions, streak plate instructions, as well as causes and solutions of problems for troubleshooting.

Includes instructions for Rapid Screening for E. Coli and Total Coliforms in Foods and Beverages with Coliscan® Easygel®

Instructions for Rapid Screening for E. Coli, Total Coliforms, Aeromonas and Salmonella in Foods and Beverages with ECA Check®

Instructions for 10X, 100X and 1000X dilutions for general and dairy products. 

Includes required items, preparation and setup, filtering the water, and incubation and interpretation.

Instructions for Water Testing

Easygel® (Pour plate) method

Includes instructions for detection of waterborne coliforms and fecal coliforms with Coliscan® Easygel®

Includes instructions for detection of waterborne E. coli, total coliforms, Aeromonas and Salmonella with ECA Check® Easygel®

Includes pour plate instructions and causes and solutions of problems for Easygel® method for liquid samples.

Includes procedure, interpretation of results, and notes on differentiating coliforms and E. coli

MF (Membrane Filter) method

Coliscan® MF/ Coliscan® MF Plus Membrane Filter Kit Instructions; includes preparation and setup, filtering the water, and incubation and interpretation of results.

Includes pour plate instructions, and causes and solutions of problems for troubleshooting.

Instructions for Air Testing

  1. Detection of Airborne Bacteria, Mold and Yeast with Easygel®

Includes procedure, interpretation, and disposal of materials.

2. Easygel® Total Count-Air for Indoor Air Biological Quality Check

Includes procedure, interpretation, and disposal of materials.

3. Determination of Airborne Mold Spores with Easygel®

The medium is formulated to favor mold growth over that of other types of microbes. Instructions include procedure and disposal of materials.

Instructions for Home Testing

Home Do-It-Yourself Bacteriological Water Test

Contains kit contents, instructions for use and guidance for disposal of material.